Cover Letter For Journal Submission

Cover Letter For Journal Submission. While your research paper's role is to prove the merits of your research, a strong introductory cover letter is your opportunity to highlight the significance of your research and sell its concept to journal editors. As an opportunity to present original research in the best possible light, a cover letter is indispensible for persuading a busy editor that a manuscript is worthy of peer review. The letter is far from just a formality and should be written with the same care as your manuscript's text (if not more).

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1, the author(s) declare that the paper is being submitted for consideration for Jsr 's submission process in manuscriptcentral will prompt you to type in or upload a cover letter explicitly. One of the most neglected aspects of journal submission is the cover letter.

Gallery of Cover Letter For Journal Submission

First name last name address line 1 address line 2 address line 3 postcode phone number email The cover letter accompanying your journal submission is your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. The first thing to do is consult the instructions of the author of the target journal for the requirements of the cover letter. Authors must prepare and submit, with their manuscript, a cover letter which includes the following information: